Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Two Names You Go By:
1. christine
2. baby

Two Things You Are Wearing Right Now:
1. t-shirt
2. grey yoga pants

Two Things You Would Want (or have) in a Relationship:
1. love
2. friendship

Two of Your Favorite Things to do:
1. talking/hanging out with friends
2. laughing til you cry

Two Things You Want Very Badly At The Moment:
1. my guy
2. the weekend to come already

Two things you did last night:
1. set up the store for easter til 1:30am
2. drank Passion tea and ate a strawberry rhubarb turnover

Two things you ate today:
1. chicken stuffed with broccoli and cheese
2. cheese, garlic sausage and pickles. hahaha.

Two Things You're doing tomorrow:
1. working in the morning
2. seeing my guy in the evening

Two longest car rides you've ever experienced:
1. Driving straight across NFLD in 2002 12 hours straight to get to the ferry, to catch flights home from Halifax... the ride is documented on video... but included car yoga, rapping, wet socks (that's a story all to its self), rain, Bryan Adams, rain, almost losing Bryan Adams out the window, rain, sleeping in the car, first ever first with a friend, rain, and did I mention more rain. (ditto from christine a's blog...haha...)
2. family road trip to edmonton when i was in grade six....oh man. long ass drive. haha. was fun times in the backseat with my sister. we're crazy ya know.

Your two favorite beverages (right now):
1. passion tea
2. toffee nut latte

Thursday, March 01, 2007

happy birthday to me....

So I'm 24 now. Doesn't feel that much different. Except my sister kindly pointed out that, "You're no longer in your early twenties. Definitely in your mid-twenties now." Thaaaanks. Anyway, this year I had a great time out with my friends. We went to see Dave, Duane and Johnny do their Smiling Politely show at the Lions Club.

Rob and I doing one of many shooters before even leaving the apartment. At least we're still standing here...haha...

Gotta love the seabus rides...hehe. I think we took more pics with my new phone on the seabus than with Meg's camera that night. lol.

At the Lions Club. Okay, so I may have been slightly enibriated by this point...and apparently frightening Rob...hahaha.

Katya, Amy and Katie...yay!

The boys.


My ladies.

The roommate and the boyfriend. Haha.

My lovely lady friends decided it would be fun for me to do a shot, that goes by the name of a "blowjob"....yeahhh....I so didn't want to, but I was a good sport, of course, and went along with it.

Going in for the kill...

annnd whip cream all over my face! lovvvely. Hahahaha. Good times, good times.

The Elvidge sisters looking on in apparent horror...lmao.

Zee ladies out on the patio. Where was I?!

Lorna, our hairstylist, and Meg! Yay, it was so great to see Lorna out!

After a long night of drinking and partying...we just couldn't do it anymore...haha.

My cake. *grin* Oddly enough, it was never shared with any lady friends. Meghan, Rob, Saj and I had it the first night and then Meg and I just finished it off over the next week...crazyness. LOL.

Birthday flowers from my dad...they were delivered to my work, it was sweet.

Valentine's flowers that I got for the lovely Meghan...hehe. The best wife ever.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day


Tuesday, February 13, 2007


At Ikea...I always seem to find *something* there to take home with me...haha.

Meg and I on the seabus going downtown. We were on our way to have dinner at Milestones with our families. Her parents were in town visiting, and my mom, Doug and Rob came out too.


On another note, this weekend is my birthday! Yay me...haha....yeahhh...

Friday, February 02, 2007

who knew?

Who knew that I would ever play so many video games? And that I would know about the Wii, XBOX 360, Nintendo DS and Playstation? Wtf. Hahaha. In the past little while...

I rented this game. And I've seen it being played numerous times. And I won't lie. I didn't mind it....hahaha. Killing zombies in a mall? c'mon.

I bought this comic. Not for me of course, but the fact that I knew it was Volume 4 that he needed, and I remembered the named of it....yeahh. It even lead me to have a zombie discussion at work. Oh my.