Wednesday, March 30, 2005


I have this great friend, Kasha, who always gives me a book for my birthday. Last year's book was my favourite...

The Big Book of If (Questions for the Game of Life and Love)
by. Evelyn McFarlane & James Saywell

It's full of "If" questions....and is quite entertaining to go through with the right person. (I'm speaking from personal experience of course). Anyone else hear of this book? It's fabulous. Let's see...some random examples of questions...

If you had to describe the thing done by someone at work that drives you the craziest, what would you say?

If you had to name the "dirtiest" thing you have ever done, what would qualify?

If you could say "I love you" only one more time, who would you say it to?

If you could have a one-night stand with a current world leader, who would you choose?

If you were to inhabit the world of any video or computer game, which one would it be?

And they go on, and on, and on....

On another note - I walked up to Starbucks today (because my working there for the past six days wasn't enough), and had a delicious almond soy extra foamy steamed milk...with caramel drizzle on top. MMMM...:P I picked up a book I'd forgotten there, and dropped off a Danny Michel cd for Sergio to listen to. I sent him a couple of songs on msn the other day - he enjoyed those, so I think he'll like the cd. Hehe.

Might write more later...for now, I think I'll have an apple and a glass of water.

xo C.

Monday, March 28, 2005

hippity hoppity goes the shizzle in your dizzle

Happy Easter everyone. As a over-caffeinated lady at Starbucks said yesterday "Today's the day that my Lord Jesus Christ was risen!!" - in a Southern accent.

I've been working oodles lately - and not at night! Oooh...exciting, I know. I'm back to closing tonight. And tomorrow. I might be pre-closing Wednesday too. Ahhh well. I'm used to the evening/night customers and all's good.

Saturday night, I went and saw Be Cool with Katya. SO FUNNY. It wasn't a very smart movie, or even that 'good' (as in, Garden State good), buuut, it was damn funny. Vince Vaughn's character acted like a Black rapper. So funny. It's hard to describe, so just go and see it. It also has John Travolta, Uma Thurman, Harvey Keitel, Cedric the Entertainer, Andre 3000 (from Outkast), Christina Milian and others. Cameos by Aerosmith too. Ooooh. LOL. Afterwards, we went out for 'dessert'. Yeahhh, it turned into a non-alcoholic smoothie ("Hawaiian Hearthrob") and salad. Hahaha. What can we say? We enjoy food.

Last night, I just hung out at home. Piled my hair up on my head, washed off all my make up, put on my pj pants and a big old t-shirt and relaxed. Watched some TLC, Simpons, Malcom & the Middle. High quality TV. LOL. Then...I created a Flickr site for me. Hehe. You can see a link to it on the right here - check it out. I've got some nice photos in there...and I'll be adding more all the stay tuned!

Today I celebrated Easter! My mom, sister and I went to my aunt Cathy and uncle Michael's house for brunch. We had quiche, fruit salad and vanilla yogurt. Mmm. Annnd a few Easter eggs...of course. My sister and I opened Kinder Surprise eggs with the boys, and put some new Lego toys together. One of them was a pirate scene, and the other a skateboarding one. Very cool. The 3 guys (my uncle and the little ones) went out to practice bike riding, and the ladies (mom, Cathy, Heather and I) chatted. We're throwing a Birthday Party for my mom this June - so that was one of the main discussion topics. After watching a couple of the short movies that come on The Incredibles dvd, we took off. I fell asleep on the ride home...apparently I'm tired. Now we're home, dinner soon.

Oh yeah, my dad came back from Africa on Saturday. My sister and I each got a gift from him - so thoughtful and nice. I haven't talked to him yet though, so I can't say how it was. I'm sure it was unforgettable though.

Off to listen to more Danny Michel....(yes, I've got him on RANDOM right now...ooh...such a rebel I am. Only those that have read his cd covers will know what I'm talking about here, lol.)

xo C.

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Happy Birthday Dad

First off, Happy Birthday Dad! He's off in Africa right now (Rwanda to be exact), but Happy Birthday nonetheless. :)

Danny Michel kicked ass on Tuesday night. OMG. He was amazzzing! I'm in love with his new song "Midnight Train"...sigh. I've got the tune in my head, which is tough since the cd with that song on it,well, it isn't even out yet!!! He has such charisma on stage, and is hilarious. We need more musicians like him out there. One of the funniest moments of the night, was when he noticed Andria's tattoo...well! Haha, he was mighty interested in that, so he pulled up a chair and hung out with us for a bit. Very cool.

Yesterday, Katya and I began putting up posters all over the place for....her band! That's right folks, Miss Katya is starting a band! I'm acting as her 'manager' right now, so I helped design the poster and post them at various music stores and public places. Now we must wait for the emails to come in.

Katya and I also went and visited with my aunt and the boys. We played with dinosaurs and Bionacles (not sure if I spelled that right...hmm...), and even got to watch part of The Incredibles! I'll have to watch the whole thing one of these days though, lol. We met the new Swiss student staying at her house, he was very nice. We took off right after dinner, since we both had stuff to do back home. We got a pick up at the skytrain (which was so great since I had worn flip flops and a was warm when I left my house!!!), and went home. I had originally had other plans, yes, but it was decided that everyone was too we'll meet up today instead.

It is gorgeous outside right now. I'm feeling guilty for being indoors! I suppose I should go do something productive and get dressed (yep, still in the ol' pj pants and t-shirt!).

xo C.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

it's gettin' hot in here (Mr. Michel is tonight!)

Well, well, well. The sun came back!!! I'm wearing flip flops!!! Sigh. All is right in the world, again. Hehe.

I'm out at UBC right now actually. I rode in with Katya, and she's currently having her violin lesson. So I'm left to check my email, etc, in the sauna (aka the computer lab in the music building). OYVEY. SO FREAKIN' HOT!!!

What I'm really excited about today (not that this adventure with Katya isn't thrilling...heehee....), is what I'm doing tonight. Danny Michel is playing The Railway Club. OMG. SO EXCITED. Not only is he an amazing and completely underappreciated musician, but I adore the Railway. Sigh. Luckily for me, I just happen to have the night off from work too....hehe. A little too convenient if you ask me ;) and Check 'em out!!

Wow is it hot in

Oh yeah, some of you emailed me saying that you had to register with Blogger to comment, but you don't: just click on Anonymous, and you'll be fine. You'll notice that my one and only comment so far (by Chrissi) is like that. There. Now nobody has an excuse for not commenting. Mwahaha.

I'll make sure to let you know how Danny is tonight....still so unbelievably excited about it!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!

xo C.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

out of sorts

Today was a weird day. I'm not 100% sure why...but it felt like the Twilight Zone all day.

I was in such an out-of-sorts mood when I woke up. Quite disoriented...I couldn't remember what day it was or anything. Then I realized how shitty I felt. Ugh: I'd have to see the doctor. I moved around so slowly though. I was exhausted still. I finally left the house just before 3pm to checked out. The good news: the doctor doesn't think I have mono! The bad news: I still got drugs for my throat (it's uber-sore), and if I'm still feeling this way (or worse) in the next 3-4 days, I need to go back to get tested for mono. ICK. At least I'm taking some drugs right now though...fingers crossed I'll get better soon.

I worked tonight (5pm-12:45am) and it was iNsAnE!!! I'm not exactly sure why...well, I do know why. The shift that was on wasn't properly running the "show"...forgetting breaks, not prioritizing (yes, ALL the dishes must be done before putting on fresh coffee...THAT makes sense...OY!). Someone was training in drive thru tonight too - but ONLY taking orders. Which left me to make all the drinks, PLUS collect money/talk to the customer. I'm only one person!!! Sigh. At least everything got done. I had some fun talks on the phone on my breaks though...hehe. And, apparently in my horoscope for today (in the Province anyway), said that I need more pleasure in my life. And...less work. HAHAHA. Okayyy....I'll tryyyy....hehe ;)

Well, it's now getting late so I need to be getting some zzz's.


xo C.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

an anniversary of sorts

So it's St.Patrick's Week! (News flash: it's no longer just a day.) I have many plans for this week...last night, I went to The Cellar and saw The Town Pants (my favourite, and the best, local Celtic band). Amy, Katie, Jaclyn and Michelle were there too: good times! We were celebrating are 1 year anniversary of meeting each other. (Has it really only been ONE year??) I only had H2O to drink though, since a) I'm broke and b) I think I'm getting sick. Boo! :( This Thursday I plan on seeing TTP at The Cellar in the evening, and then at Central City at night! Everyone better being wearing green that day...hehe. Friday is Spirit of the West and Danny Michel at the Commodore - I'm quite excited about that one!

I never used to get this excited over St.Patrick's Week (formely Day). I think my overall thrill of the week came to be, after my love for TTP. Hehe. I first saw them at the Commodore in March of 2003, when they opened for SOTW. At the time, they were a bit too Celtic for me. (Is that even possible?) Now, they're good friends of mine. This Thursday I'll be celebrating my 3rd St.Paddy's Day with them. This calls for celebration!

xo C.

Monday, March 14, 2005

My First Post

I've decided to actually give this blogging thing a go...yet again. I started a couple of years ago here with Blogger, then I was lured into the world of Diaryland...and just recently to Msn Spaces. I haven't been all that happy with the way things work at Diaryland or Msn lately though, so I think I'll try out here again. Wish me luck...

xo C.