This past weekend, Rob and I decided to take a lil' road trip to Seattle! It was tres amusant. :) Here are a few pics to help tell the story...haha.

We somehow took the "scenic" route, by going through Aldergrove before crossing the border...d'oh! It was a lovely drive though.

In his truck...waiting in line at the border crossing.

I love this pic. He's got this hanging from his rearview mirror...but I just love the colour in this pic.

So we somehow got a *bit* lost on the way. We just couldn't figure our way back to the I-5...that's all. We stopped at this gas station to ask the lady for directions, and I also really needed to

Buuut, the gas station didn't have washrooms! I was told I could use the mission across the street. So I did. Don't judge me. I really had to go!

After checking in to the hotel, this was our first stop. Hehe. I made sure to pick up a bottle of Pink Sugar. My scent...mmm. My last bottle was a 1 oz. My new one is 3.5oz. *drool*

The Space Needle.

Near our hotel was this carwash...and I just loved the signs. I took pics of both sides of's the first one.

and here's the other side! lol.

Nothing like midnight Slurpees from 7-11. *grin*

On Sunday we went to the Pacific Science was amusing. hehe. Here I am at a very large table...making me look uber tiny...

Rob made me go in the butterfly garden. I don't really like insects flying around me like that...but there were some pretty ones in there.

Me ridin' an insect...a slug? haha. Who knows.

Can you see me? hahaha. (I was forced to wear that smock...grrr...)

Outside there were some fun water toys! Here's Rob shooting one of them.

And me shooting another! Later, Rob sprayed me with this. I wanted to yell out profanity at him...but we were surrounded my children. Bloody hell!

Me pretending like I have something for the ducks...mwahahaha. Just my fingers! My wee fingers! haha.

It's like I'm a hamster....haha.
Seattle was lots of fun...can't wait to go back.