U2 in Vancouver
Yes. I was one of those lucky people that got a ticket to see U2 in Vancouver. Actually, I didn't even buy it...Erin bought them and I got one of them. Yay Erin!! I went Thursday night with her, Alison and Christine. The show was freakin' amazing. I was on the floor - about 20 rows of standing people from the walkway that the band would come out onto. Besides the close body contact and pushy people, it was awesome. I bought a t-shirt, poster and little button. Yes, I'm a dork. LOL. But c'mon! It was freakin' U2!!! I didn't bring my camera (although I reallllly wish I had...boo!) - so no photos from Thursday night. Afterwards, three of us went to Boston Pizza for a very late dinner. Good times! I was so thankful I'd gotten to see U2...and couldn't wait for the next time.
I never, in a million years, would've thought it would come so soon.
Yes. That's right.
I went to see U2 on Friday as well.
I started work at 11:15am Friday morning, and not long after arriving I discovered that a co-worker/friend of mine (the ever-so-fabulous Sarah) had an extra ticket for that night's show. I told her "you suck!" and she said something along the lines of, "no, I'm serious. I don't know who's going to use it or what I'm going to do with it". I shook my head and walked back onto the floor (we were in the backroom then). It then occured to me that even if I wanted to see U2 - I couldn't. I didn't finish work until 7:15pm, and the show started at 7:30pm. I told her that and then she asked if I could end earlier, would I go? Bingo. The million dollar question. Less than 10 minutes later, I had found someone to work later so I could end earlier. OMFG. I was going to see U2. AGAIN!
This time, I had about 5 minutes to get ready (while Sarah waited in my living room), and I brought my camera. Oh yes. I wasn't going to be camera-less tonight! I took 75 pictures and 5 short videos. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! If anyone wants to see any of the videos, just let me know and I'll email you the link to access them. They're freakin' awesome!!!
U2 rocks. That's all there is to it.

Sigh. Simply amazing.
edit: made U2 pics smaller
I never, in a million years, would've thought it would come so soon.
Yes. That's right.
I went to see U2 on Friday as well.
I started work at 11:15am Friday morning, and not long after arriving I discovered that a co-worker/friend of mine (the ever-so-fabulous Sarah) had an extra ticket for that night's show. I told her "you suck!" and she said something along the lines of, "no, I'm serious. I don't know who's going to use it or what I'm going to do with it". I shook my head and walked back onto the floor (we were in the backroom then). It then occured to me that even if I wanted to see U2 - I couldn't. I didn't finish work until 7:15pm, and the show started at 7:30pm. I told her that and then she asked if I could end earlier, would I go? Bingo. The million dollar question. Less than 10 minutes later, I had found someone to work later so I could end earlier. OMFG. I was going to see U2. AGAIN!
This time, I had about 5 minutes to get ready (while Sarah waited in my living room), and I brought my camera. Oh yes. I wasn't going to be camera-less tonight! I took 75 pictures and 5 short videos. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! If anyone wants to see any of the videos, just let me know and I'll email you the link to access them. They're freakin' awesome!!!
U2 rocks. That's all there is to it.
Sigh. Simply amazing.
edit: made U2 pics smaller
Soooooooo amazing! Thanks for coming! It rocked :)
You do in fact suck major ass. LOL Wow. I was so freakin jealous you got to see them for one night...but TWO NIGHTS???? You now OFFICIALLY suck...so much so that you should make a club of it with buttons and t-shirts. LOL ;)
You know I love ya though and I'm just pissed all these awesome concerts are in Van BEFORE I get there. WTF??? There better be some good shit while I'm there, mannnn!!! I heard Lenny Kravitz is coming...I suppose THAT'S before I get there too!? Grrrr.
Send me the link for the videos! (DUH!) Or are they on my website? haha
so you've jumped on the band wagon??
you need to actually before familiar with the albums before 'How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb"...
Sure Anon...I'm sure the band cares that she paid to go see them twice but possibly only owns one cd..(and how would you even know if she did only own one? Maybe she has every cd they've ever released). What's the difference?
Hardcore fans are such jackasses sometimes...they think they are 'better' fans than everyone else just because they own every second of audio ever released by a band and read everything they ever wrote and have seen every picture ever taken of them. What a crock. It's shit like that that makes other people not WANT to become a more involved fan in a band's community...that shitty holier than thou attitude.
Get a life.
You said it Meg ;)
Although I realise that you, Meg, are entitled to your own opinion, I didn't call you any names, and I therefore think it is unecessary to refer to me as a Jackass. I do in fact know that Christine doesn't own the other CDs. It was just a comment that if she is this interested in U2 now she should check out their older stuff.
It was a really good concert.
This is the last comment I'll make about this on here, I'm not going to continue some stupid fight on C's blog...it was a general statement, if you took it to directly mean you then I guess that says something.
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