Wednesday, August 10, 2005

vanilla stoli and living solo

Since Saturday at some point (before I got home from Candice's house), my mom and sister have been out of the house. They went on a little road...any excuse to go out in the new car. Hehe. My mom of course had wanted me to come too, but, well, I had to work...and honestly, the prospect of having the house to myself for a week...well. It was mind-blowing.

Since I don't drive, everyone at work has been great too - Katie drove me home after work last Saturday (it was 11pm) and Jenna picked me up for my 6am shift on Monday. My store rocks. That's all there is to it. :)

Mostly during these past few days, if I haven't been at work, I've been lounging at home. In the backyard with my book - getting some sun. Watching an always fantastic episode of Friends or Sex and the City...and of course, catching up with emails and friends. Life's been good. I even managed a mini-grocery shopping trip with Katya...I needed lettuce and tomatoes. I felt so grown up.

Today was awesome though. I woke up and decided to dye my hair. I dyed it the same colour I did about 6 weeks ago...but it had all but faded. It's very dark and a bit red. It's great. Then. It was time to pick my outfit. For what you ask? For a job interview. That's riiiight. I had one today! I picked out a great outfit (black flats, black strapless dress, with a fuschia button up shirt on top - and buttoned it looked like I was wearing a skirt; hair in a low, loose bun) and called a taxi. Yes. That's right. I didn't want to arrive at the interview all hot and sweaty - it was at 1:30pm after all. Almost the hottest time of the day. The interview went good I hopefully I'll have some great news to share soon!!!

After the interview was done with, I walked over to Starbucks...sigh. I felt great, the weather was great, and well, I looked pretty good too. LOL! I undid the buttons on the shirt, and let down my hair....ahhh...summer! Got home and just chilled for the afternoon. Talked with Katya about her coming over tonight...

And she came around 8pm. We got take out from Moxies (the most brilliant idea EVER!) and watched 3 back-to-back episodes of Sex & the City. Oh yes. And we each had a drink: Katya - her mojitos, and me - my vanilla vodka and coke. MMMM. (I'm currently drinking the vv with 7-up...hehe).

After Katya left, I watched a few music videos....and two were fabulous: GBS' "Clearest Indication" - I almost cried. And a couple of hours later, U2's "City of Blinding Lights"!!! The one they filmed at GM Place!!! I almost cried again. It was the concert I was at. It was awesome. And now, as I'm typing, there's a Crush video on. Yay me!

In other news, Happy (belated) 1st Birthday to Sean!

Tomorrow I'm going shopping with my Surrey Girls - Katya and Candice. Heehee. We're doing the total 'burbs thing, and going to Metrotown. Oh yes. And Playland with them (& Kasha) on Thursday...WEEEEEEEEEE!

Hope everyone's enjoying this awesome summer...I've been loving it so much that I almost don't want it to end. I say 'almost' because this Fall will be one of the best ever. New job (or at least location), new home, new life. I can't wait.

Really. When will October be here? Just like that Green Day song, "wake me when September ends..." hehe.

xo C.


Blogger Christine said...

Still waiting to hear about the job...You'll be one of the first to hear if I get it! :)

xo C.

6:56 p.m.  

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