Well, well, well. Almost a month since I last wrote....wow.
So let's see. I've moved into the loveliest apartment on the North Shore with Meghan. It's furnished (we've got TWO couches!!!), our chairs for the dining room table are covered, we've (well, my aunt...) installed new light fixtures in the hallway, kitchen and over the table. There are photos up on our shelf of all our friends and family (I just love looking at that shelf!). The TV, dvd player and VCR are all doing their jobs...well, the TV blacks out every so often, but really, that's okay. I mean, for now. Haha. Not in the long run. But at least we still get sound (we're running the TV through the VCR, and the sound through the CD player...ooh la la!).
Our house warming party was a grand success. Some had more fun than others...ahem. Everyone came in great costumes and good spirits - thanks for the great night everyone!
Okay, so today I don't work till late, and I was in a mood to listen to my music LOUD, so I put on my jacket and grabbed my iPod and went for a walk. I was honestly hoping for a walk in the rain - not a difficult task these days - but noooo....it wasn't raining out anymore! argh! The nerve....grrr. Oh well. It was still windy and cold, and for some odd reason that was comforting. I walked for about 30 minutes just up and down some nearby streets and through a park. I must do that more often.
Last night, Meg and I went over to Amy and Katie's for dinner! It was so fun. The sisters picked me up, we went and bought the groceries needed for dinner, and then went to cook it. Meg came later on when she was done work. We had fajitas...super yummy! Amy made the rice. I cut the peppers and Katie cut the onion...and well, her finger! There was so much blood. Eww...! She still cut up the chicken though, hahaha. Amy and I were so mean, but it was so gross! LOL. After dinner, we relaxed by the fireplace and watched The Amazing Race and the Rick Mercer Report (with America's Next Top Model in commercial breaks...hehe.). Fun times. *grin*
While eating my lunch today, I was clicking through the channels and I stopped at CNN when the headline read, "Terror in Jordan". I felt sick. What had happened there?? Turns out there were bombs that went off in three American chain hotels - and I think the death count is almost at 70 now. Jordan is a special place for me, as some of you know, and it hit me really hard when I was watching this. It's amazing how some people just never really leave you...
Well, after this rather lengthy (I think...) post, I must get ready for work. It's the holiday roll out at work tonight (ie. if you go to a Starbucks tomorrow, Christmas will have arrived! No Christmas music till Nov.25th though...WHEW!) and I'm there till suuuper late (ie. 3am).
xo C.