Friends...can't live without them. They're the family you choose. They're people that you've chosen in one way or another to have in your life. There is no blood connection. There is no romance (at least not usually...). I've been thinking about friends a lot lately. I'm not totally sure why...but it's been on my mind.
I guess with me moving out in just over a month now, I've been re-evaluating my life in general. And for me, friends play a huge role. They almost are my life. With every fun story or "remember when" moments...I always, ALWAYS had a friend there. I don't know what I'd do without them.
Sarah recently wrote in her blog about friends...how some come in your life for shorter periods than others - and that's okay. And some are always there to support you and listen...even if you might not always realize this. Looking at your friendships every so often is important. If someone is constantly bringing you down or making you feel uncomfortable - why are they in your life? You get to choose your friends: choose people that make your life a better one. Here's what she wrote: http://spaces.msn.com/members/sarahowen/Blog/cns!1pAPCTinH6dU8YfslBuJIQ_Q!1986.entry
I've found that some of my friends aren't that excited about me moving out, or at least they haven't shown that they are. I might be sounding selfish, but that bothers me. I understand if some are jealous that they aren't - I know I would be! Just be happy for me. This is a really big time in my life. I've never moved. I mean, NEVER. The house I'm living in right now is the only house that I've ever called my home. And now I'm leaving it. It scares me. It makes me want to cry. It makes me remember all the amazing times I've had here....birthdays, Christmas parties, sleepovers, backyard parties, etc.
But. It also makes me BEYOND EXCITED! I want to jump up and down and tell everyone that "I'M MOVING!!! I'M GETTING MY OWN APARTMENT!!! I'M GONNA BE INDEPENDENT!!!" Okay. I'll also be just a *bit* poorer...but I'll have my own kitchen. I won't be able to go to as many concerts...but I'll have my own front door. My own living room. My own dish scrubber god dammit!!! It will all be m-i-n-e. (Well, some will be Meg's too...lol.)
Sigh. I'm not really sure where I'm going with all of this. I just know that some friends haven't been that fun to be around lately because of my moving. They're very "me, me, me" - at a time when I don't have the energy or honestly, the desire - to be all that supportive. It can be very frustrating. I'll say something about new dishes I've recently bought...and then they'll say "oh yeah...I've got dishes at home too." Right. Okay. That's nice. Except, you know what? You're NOT MOVING OUT! ARGH. I am. Not you. When you are, I'll be nice and supportive and jump for joy too! Just be excited with me right now.
Wow, I sound like a real bitch. I'm really not trying to be!! I'm just speaking my mind... Okay....moving away from the moving topic...back to friends.
I have this amazing group of friends. Some of them are from long ago...friends that have changed in the past few years as much as I have. I'm so glad I met them then...because honestly, I have no clue where I would meet them today! And if they weren't in my life...I wouldn't be the person I am. I owe them so much. We do have our differences...but we always find our way back to each other. Sometimes we're close and other times we drift apart - but that's okay. We always find a way to reconnect...after all - we have a history. That's something that nobody can ever take away from us. Then. There's these newer friends. They're a bit more on the wild side...they like to party it up a bit more...they're my bar friends. Hahaha. They're my band lovin' friends. I'm closer to some of them than others, and like all friends we go through phases! I almost always have a blast with these guys...and I can guarantee that 99% of the time when I've had too much to drink - these friends are there getting drunk with me! I love them to bits. Haha. Then there's the "church" friends, the "internet" friends (yes, it's true, hahaha) and my beloved "work" friends. It's amazing the places that you meet your friends. My closest friends come from the most eclectic mix of places. Maybe that's just the kind of person I am. Maybe I need that mixture...who knows.
All I really know, is that I love my friends. And I'm sorry if sometimes I don't show it or if I don't call you or if I don't act excited about seeing you (that's awful, haha). But I am. I'm only human and I get tired. I can be emotional. I'm almost always stressed out. My life is currently undergoing some massive changes...just let me be who I need to be right now, and I'll see you all at the end....whenever that may be...lol.
Ok. Rant over.
xo C.
I guess with me moving out in just over a month now, I've been re-evaluating my life in general. And for me, friends play a huge role. They almost are my life. With every fun story or "remember when" moments...I always, ALWAYS had a friend there. I don't know what I'd do without them.
Sarah recently wrote in her blog about friends...how some come in your life for shorter periods than others - and that's okay. And some are always there to support you and listen...even if you might not always realize this. Looking at your friendships every so often is important. If someone is constantly bringing you down or making you feel uncomfortable - why are they in your life? You get to choose your friends: choose people that make your life a better one. Here's what she wrote: http://spaces.msn.com/members/sarahowen/Blog/cns!1pAPCTinH6dU8YfslBuJIQ_Q!1986.entry
I've found that some of my friends aren't that excited about me moving out, or at least they haven't shown that they are. I might be sounding selfish, but that bothers me. I understand if some are jealous that they aren't - I know I would be! Just be happy for me. This is a really big time in my life. I've never moved. I mean, NEVER. The house I'm living in right now is the only house that I've ever called my home. And now I'm leaving it. It scares me. It makes me want to cry. It makes me remember all the amazing times I've had here....birthdays, Christmas parties, sleepovers, backyard parties, etc.
But. It also makes me BEYOND EXCITED! I want to jump up and down and tell everyone that "I'M MOVING!!! I'M GETTING MY OWN APARTMENT!!! I'M GONNA BE INDEPENDENT!!!" Okay. I'll also be just a *bit* poorer...but I'll have my own kitchen. I won't be able to go to as many concerts...but I'll have my own front door. My own living room. My own dish scrubber god dammit!!! It will all be m-i-n-e. (Well, some will be Meg's too...lol.)
Sigh. I'm not really sure where I'm going with all of this. I just know that some friends haven't been that fun to be around lately because of my moving. They're very "me, me, me" - at a time when I don't have the energy or honestly, the desire - to be all that supportive. It can be very frustrating. I'll say something about new dishes I've recently bought...and then they'll say "oh yeah...I've got dishes at home too." Right. Okay. That's nice. Except, you know what? You're NOT MOVING OUT! ARGH. I am. Not you. When you are, I'll be nice and supportive and jump for joy too! Just be excited with me right now.
Wow, I sound like a real bitch. I'm really not trying to be!! I'm just speaking my mind... Okay....moving away from the moving topic...back to friends.
I have this amazing group of friends. Some of them are from long ago...friends that have changed in the past few years as much as I have. I'm so glad I met them then...because honestly, I have no clue where I would meet them today! And if they weren't in my life...I wouldn't be the person I am. I owe them so much. We do have our differences...but we always find our way back to each other. Sometimes we're close and other times we drift apart - but that's okay. We always find a way to reconnect...after all - we have a history. That's something that nobody can ever take away from us. Then. There's these newer friends. They're a bit more on the wild side...they like to party it up a bit more...they're my bar friends. Hahaha. They're my band lovin' friends. I'm closer to some of them than others, and like all friends we go through phases! I almost always have a blast with these guys...and I can guarantee that 99% of the time when I've had too much to drink - these friends are there getting drunk with me! I love them to bits. Haha. Then there's the "church" friends, the "internet" friends (yes, it's true, hahaha) and my beloved "work" friends. It's amazing the places that you meet your friends. My closest friends come from the most eclectic mix of places. Maybe that's just the kind of person I am. Maybe I need that mixture...who knows.
All I really know, is that I love my friends. And I'm sorry if sometimes I don't show it or if I don't call you or if I don't act excited about seeing you (that's awful, haha). But I am. I'm only human and I get tired. I can be emotional. I'm almost always stressed out. My life is currently undergoing some massive changes...just let me be who I need to be right now, and I'll see you all at the end....whenever that may be...lol.
Ok. Rant over.
xo C.